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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 12, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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the youngest victim is 10 years old. the shooting happened at frenchmen and north villary streets. at least 100 people had gathered for a parade. police are looking for three suspects now. to indiana i investigators with working a crime scene with four bodies were found. all of them had been shot to death. three men in the living room. a woman in a bedroom. detectives are treating it as a quadruple homicide. but they don't have anybody in custody, and for now, no suspects. the case of a murdered california girl has taken a startling turn. police in calaveras county have arrested lyla fowler's 12-year-old brother on homicide charges. the 8-year-old girl was home alone with her brother last month when she was found stabbed to death. her original told police he had seen an intruder leaving the home. sparking an intense manhunt through the rural california community. we're going to go live to valley springs, california, for the
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latest in a moment here. >> pope francis has proclaimed hundreds of saints in a single ceremony. among them, 800 italian martyrs killed in the 15th century for refusing to convert to islam. the vatican says their sainthood should be placed in historical context and not an anti-islamic gesture. they also claimed colombia's first saint. >> seth meyers will soon me working week nights. nbc announced he'll take over nbc's late night when jimmy fallon moves to the tonight show early next year. meyers has been with snl for 12 years and is their head writer. they didn't say when he would leave "snl." just one man sits in jail today, charged with kidnapping and rape, and probably more down the road. ariel castro is his name, and prosecutors say expect more
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charges for the man believed to have kept three women captive in his home, one of them for more than ten years. remember, when the story broke last week, castro's two brothers were arrested, too. they're cleared of involvement, and this weekend, they gave a long exclusive interview to cnn. stay there, you'll hear from them in just a moment here. all three women who are now freed are now doing well. that's what their attorneys said today. even michelle knight, who was held the longest and whose location is still not known, even to her own family. knight says in her attorney's statement that she plans to reach out to loved ones in her words in good time. and i want you to take a look at this video. brand new to cnn and was shot last monday by somebody in that cleveland neighborhood. these are cleveland police officers converging on the castro home, forcing open the door and setting those women free. cnn's martin savidge is in
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cleveland right now. martin, i want you to talk about your exclusive interview with that suspected rapist and kidnapper's brothers, but what about the new video that we just saw? the first look that we have actually seen of the police raid last week. tell us exactly what we're looking at. somebody got pretty close to that. >> yeah, they did, don. hello to you. this is video that was taken by cell phone. it was actually taken by a woman who thought she was being pulled over. the reason, there were so many police officers racing down the street, coming in their vehicles. so she stopped on seymour, but they went whizzing past her and running past her, and made their way towards the home on seymour, the one that now is famous, because what they were doing, amanda berry is the girl who kicked and clawed her way out with the help of charles ramsey, but she said there were more girls inside. that's what you're seeing here. the next wave of police officers that come racing in, that literally batter down the door, and then go inside and rescue
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the two other women, gina dejesus and the other girl, i'm sorry. that's how that came about. that's what you're looking at. and that is what makes it so dramatic because up until now, we have only heard about this. here you actually see it. don? >> and martin, you interviewed ariel castro's two brothers. they're only talking to cnn. tell us about your conversation with them. >> yeah, this was an extraordinary conversation. it's one that they wanted to do. they wanted to speak out because of course their photographs were shown at the same time with their brother ariel, and they believed all thoree of them hav now been branded as monsters. they say there is only one monster in their family and that is their brother ariel. now because of all of the publicity, the fact the story has gone worldwide, the fact that so many people have followed it, they believe they will be forever tarnished, forever blamed as having helped their brother in some way, which
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is something they said they never did. this is how our conversation went. >> do you worry now that people will always suspect that you actually did have a role? >> absolutely. >> yes. >> and the people out there that know me, they know that onil castro is not that person, has nothing to do with that. would never even think of something like that. i was a very liked person, individual. i have never had any enemies. no reason for anybody to think that i would ever do something like that. it's a shock to all my friends. they couldn't believe it. >> same. i couldn't never think of doing anything like that. if i knew that my brother was doing this, i would have -- i would not -- in a minute, i would call the cops because that
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ain't right. but yeah, it's going to haunt me down. because people are going to think pedro got something to do with this. pedro don't have nothing to do with this. if i knew i would have reported him, brother or no brother. >> authorities cleared those brothers, and they now say that the family is under death threats. they also say that their homes have been broken into, that the windows have been broken out, and that they are terrified to even try to go back home. right now, they remain in hiding. they're hoping by speaking out that they can make people realize they truly did not know anything about this, don, and there's just much more to come. >> martin savidge, thank you very much. and martin, i want to tell the audience to be sure to see your full exclusive interview with ariel castro's two brothers. we're going to run it from start to finish tomorrow at 7:00 eastern on cnn.
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make sure to tune in live or set your dvr to catch starting point tomorrow for that full interview. again, our thanks to martin savidge. >> in new jersey, three young hostages are free after a police raid ended a 37-hour standoff. police burst into a home in trenton today and found the body of a woman and her 13-year-old son. they were killed about two weeks ago. thirty-two more three more of t children were held. they shot the gunman, a 38-year-old man. they say the suspect was the woman's boyfriend but not the father of any of the children involved. a rural california community is in shock today after an arrest is made in connection with the death of 8-year-old leila fowler. police have arrested the girl's 12-year-old brother on homicide charges. the two were home alone last month when she was found stabbed to death. cnn's dan simon is in valley springs, california, for us now. dan, this small town was under the impression a killer was on the loose. what's the feeling there now?
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>> reporter: well, they're shocked. and you can only imagine what this town has been going through over the last few weeks, as they feared that a killer was on the loose. they were under the assumption this was some random person who just barged into a home and stabbed and murdered an 8-year-old girl. and they were fearful that there might be more victims to come. so obviously, the news that the brother was arrested came as a great shock, and i want you to listen to the sheriff and what he had to say about all this. >> at 5:10 p.m., detectives arrested leila's 12-year-old brother at the valley springs substation and on charges of homicide. >> reporter: don, the way this happened is the brother was interviewed by investigators several times. he initially said that he was home alone with his sister, that his parents went to a little league baseball game. he said that he saw an intruder
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leave the house. he described that person as being 6 feet tall, somebody with a muscular build, so there was the assumption this guy was on the loose. he was described as also having gray hair. so there was a frantic search to look for this person. and now the fact that the brother has been arrested, well, this is what some of the folks in the community have to say about it. >> i didn't want to believe it. i didn't -- you kind of thought so, but it's not something you want to believe. >> when i went to kids place, he always went next door to like talk to his sister and give her a hug. >> the family had been very visible throughout this entire ordeal. there was a vigil in the days after the murder. the 12-year-old was there. he was seen with his family. he seemed very distraught. don, in terms of how authorities pinpointed him, why they arrested him, we don't know. we don't know if there was some kind of confession or whether there might be some kind of dna
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evidence. >> all right, dan simon, thank you very much for that. the irs admitting to targeting the tea party, and now the irs is the target of some lawmakers. >> also, one bad decision left 27 people dead on a kentucky interstate. a new film examines the worst accident of its kind in u.s. history. that's ahead. have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster.
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ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on he is the most awesome 5-year-old on the face of the planet. the most important thing is to know that he is safe. [ crash, alarm blaring ] it was shortly after midnight.
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say that the irs targeted conservative groups. they gave them extra scrutiny leading up to the 2012 election. the irs admits mistakes, but denies they lead to a political bias. washington is buzzing about this. here is athena jones. >> this is truly outrageous. >> the obama administration is facing growing anger from republicans over the irs' treatment of conservative groups. >> i don't care if you're a conservative, a liberal, a democrat or a republican, this should send a chill up your spine. >> starting as early as march 2010, organizations with tea party or patriot in their names were among those singled out for extra scrutiny. subjected to long delays and mountains of paperwork when applying for tax exempt status. >> it contributes to the profound distrust that the american people have in government. >> some irs officials knew about this practice as early as june
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2011, according to an irs inspector general's report expected to be released this week. but then irs commissioner douglas shulman sent this to congress in march 2012. >> yes, i can give you assurances, as you know, we pride ourselves on being a non-political, non-partisan organization. there's absolutely no targeting. >> the irs says senior officials like shulman didn't know about these problems at the time of his testimony. on friday, the agency admitted mistakes were made, but insists they were in no way due to any political or partisan rational ail. >> and we certainly find the actions taken as reported to be inappropriate. >> after being pressed about the issue, white house spokesman jay carney released this statement over the weekend. if the inspector general finds there were any rules broken or that conduct of government officials did not meet the standards required of them, the
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president expects that swift and appropriate steps will be taken to address any misconduct. members of congress are promising more investigations. >> the irs can target the right one year, it can target the left the next year. that's exactly what we want to make sure never happens in america. >> this story is far from over. house majority leader eric cantor said the house is going to investigate this, and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said he wants the white house to conduct a government-wide review to make sure practices like this aren't taking place at other places. >> eight months after the benghazi attacks, critics say the white house is still being dishonest. the obama administration is under pressure after a new e-mail chain shows they were watered down by multiple agencies. some say the white house needs to come clean. >> i'd call it a cover up. i would call it a cover up in
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the extent that there was willful removal of information which was obvious, it was obvious the american people were effectively lied to for a period of about a month. this was a terrorist attack from the get-go. they were in fact covering up an easy attack that succeeded that was from the get go really about a terrorist attack. it was never about a video. >> let's bring in our political panel, republican strategist and cnn analyst, anna navarro from miami. democratic strategist maria cardona from washington. anna, cover-up? that's a pretty strong accusation. do you think the white house is guilty of a cover-up on benghazi? >> i don't know. i would like to know. i think at the very least, don, very serious mistakes were made. i think at the very worst, it was intentional and it was a cover-up, but at this point, we don't know the answer. regardless of what the answer is, we need to get to the bottom of it because, look, there's
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four dead americans and more than that, there's thousands of americans serving in diplomatic posts all over the world, in some very dangerous places. and if mistakes were made, if it was intentional or not, we need to know what those mistakes were so that those people's lives can be in a better place, can be more secure in the future. it's about that for me. it's not about politics. >> yeah, but it seems to be about politics. i mean, and i think that you're right on on this, i think that the more important thing, it's terrible that people died. but the more important thing is keeping people safe and keeping them from dying in the future. but it doesn't appear to be where this is going, maria. do you disagree with that? >> no, i think that's exactly right. and to anna's point, look, four americans died. and that's why when this first happened, secretary clinton took full responsibility for this, and she said very clearly that the buck stops with her. it's why there was a rigorous review by the accountability review board who by the way did find that there was egregious
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mistakes and that's why they recommended implementing 29 new ways of doing things. and the state department actually did that. but what is the point here, don, is that it is now political and it doesn't seem like republicans are focused on trying to get to the bottom of this. the criminal investigation with the fbi to find the perpetrators. let's do that. >> it's obvious that someone mishandled something. it's obvious, but it is looking pretty partisan when you look at all of the talking points that are being used. and let me ask this question because the accusation is that the obama administration in some way tried to change the talking point or water them down, and my question is, and i really am being honest about this, what administration, anna, doesn't try to control the message no matter what it is? >> i think every administration tries to control the message, but one thing is controlling the message and one thing is scrubbing e-mails 12 times to the point where they are completely false and misleading.
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what we learned this week from the people on the ground in tripoli is that they knew from the get-go this was a terror attack while we were being told here in the united states by this administration and its representatives that it was about a video. and we were told that for days and days and days. >> so you're saying the cia was bullied by the administration? you think the cia -- >> say that again? >> i don't know. those are the answers precisely that we need to find out. the election is over. president obama won. now, let's get to the bottom of this so that we can keep americans safe in the future and so that people that should be held accountable are. >> okay, maria, just real quickly because i want to move on to the irs, do you think the cia was bullied by the administration? >> no, i don't, and david petraeus said what he cleared what the talking points said. were the talking points wrong? absolutely. when we realized exactly what happened, then the administration said so. there was no cover-up here. is it a clumsy promise, yes.
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is it tortured? yes, i have been in that process under the clinton administration and it's not pretty. >> what administration, not that i'm defending the obama administration, but the bush administration, nixon, anybody, wants americans to die on their watch? i don't see it. >> that's right, nobody. >> but nobody is saying that, don. >> i understand that, i understand that, and i know it was handled clumsally, but if you look at it as a civilian, obviously, something was done wrong, but it's also very partisan, it seems to most americans who are looking at it. >> okay, let's talk now about the irs. irs in hot water for targeting conservative groups. they apologized for singling out groups with the tea party name or patriot name in their names. is the apology enough. does the obama administration need to apologize? it seems wrong to most americans regardless of your political
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persuasion. >> there's no doubt it's wrong and i agree with most republicans are saying. it spent chills down my spine and the administration is saying if there was something done wrong here, if the report comes out, there absolutely should be repercussions, but we don't know what happened yet, so on the face of it, absolutely something needs to be done, and it's beyond the pale of what is acceptable. it adds to americans' distrust of the government, and that's exactly what we don't need. >> we'll be talking about this. thank you, anna, thank you, maria. >> nearly two dozen homes destroyed, in splinters. it looks like the work of a tornado or a hurricane. try ice. the details next. we're ultimately putting students into hard situations. students have watched babies die in hospitals and done wonderful things to keep other babies alive. >> 20 million low birth weight
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and premature babies are born every year. the challenge was to build an incubator that costs a fraction of the cost of the traditional incubators. what the team came up with in the class is in the product, an infant warmer, looks like a sleeping back for the baby. >> turns out there's about 1 out of every 4 people in the world who doesn't have access to re reliable electricity. these are solar powered lanterns. you charge them during the day, turn them on at night and get light. >> i think to see their designs and their products coming to life before their eyes induced these students to pour their heart and soul into it. we went out and asked people a simple question:
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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there doesn't seem to be an end to the bad news in bangladesh, after that miraculous rescue of a woman buried for 17 days in the rubble of a collapsed building, more bodies were found today. the death is 1119 and counting. the nine story building housing garment factories collapsed late last month. the government has been forced to bury more than 200 unclaimed, unidentified victims. >> there's a sadness in a tu turkish town on the border with syria today. dozens of people killed in a pair of car bombings yesterday were buried. the turkish government blames the attacks on syria, calling them retribution because turkey is harboring 300,000 refugees from syria's long civil war. nine people are in custody. turkey says they have tied to the syrian intelligence services. talk about a scary sight. a giant wall of ice smashes more
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than 200 homes. look at this. near winnipeg, canada. very strong winds blew huge chunks of ice off a lake, forcing some houses right off their foundations. other homes completely filled up with large blocks of ice. amazingly, though, no one was hurt. there's ten minutes of surveillance footage showing the accused boston bombers before the bombings. of course, that was the crucial time in the investigation, but can surveillance be used to prevent tragedy? that's ahead. but first, this, at many historically black colleges, the marching band's drum major holds a position of great leadership and honor, getting chosen for the job is part of the american journey. >> the pressure that these students are feeling is tremendous. some of them have been wanting to be drum major for years.
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>> hey, my name is jamal and i'm from harvey, illinois, and i play the trumpet. ♪ the famous sonic boom of the south ♪ >> actually, the first time i saw the sonic boom of the south, i was about 6 or 7. i was like, wow, what is this? i was just in amazement. wow, i don't know what this is, but i'm in love. >> to be a part of that, that would be magical in a sense. my name is tyrique. i'm from georgia. i play the baritone horn and i'm trying to become a j-5 drum major. i'm the first person in my family to go this far in college. i came from i don't want to say nothing, but i came here, not knowing a lot about college. mississippi, jackson state for that matter, sonic boom of the south.
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>> my name is karen. i'm from jackson, mississippi, and i play the clarinet. >> hands need to be flat. flat handed. >> some people try to discourage me, but just because i was a girl. like, and i just said, well, there's been two other female drum majors so i could be the third one. my parents are both really excited about this because my mom was a drum major in high school, so it's kind of expected. >> what we saw tonight was the very beginning of the making of a drum major at jackson state university.
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half past the hour on cnn, a look at your headlines. the three women abducted and kept in that cleveland house are now pleading for privacy. around attorney for amanda berry, gina dejesus and michelle knight said the women will not be given any media interviews until after suspect ariel castro is tried. he faced rape and kidnapping charges. >> and our martin savidge in cleveland spoke exclusively to ariel castro's two brothers. we'll play that interview in full tomorrow morning on cnn's
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starting point. tune in at 7:00 a.m. >> a 37-hour standoff in trenton, new jersey, ends with police bursting into the home, shooting the suspect, and finding a woman and her son dead. the man later died from his wounds. three children who were held hostage are safe. murphy had an extensive criminal record and was wanting for failing to register as a sex offender. >> a florida mom found a huge alligator hanging out right on her front porch. at first, she thought the gator was fake and part of an elaboratemot mother's day prank from her family, but there's nothing fake about this eight-foot gator. they wrangled the gator and took the gator from the home in parkland, florida. >> ironman 3 leading at the box office yet again. it's racked up $300 million in the u.s. after just ten days in
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theaters. the great gatsby opened in second place, followed by pain & gain in third. don't feel too bad for gatsby. it's easily baz luhrmann's best debut ever. rounding out the top five, jackie robinson biopic, 42, and peeples opening with dismal opening with tyler perry's name attached to it. >> tomorrow marks one month since the boston marathon bombing. now, you're probably familiar with the two names of the people who planned and carried it out, the tsarnaev brothers were even captured on surveillance cameras before their bombs exploded. it's frustrating for people in boston to see the video knowing police weren't even looking for them. >> the photos, the video, it's all there. the tsarnaev brothers with back packs working their way through
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the crowd for at least 11 minutes, and none of it mattered. the bombs exploded anyway. one reason, no one was watching. the cameras were passive. recording all of the calm before, all the chaos after. and incapable of preventing the crime despite multiple surveillance cameras at the scene. for it to be preventative, what needs to happen? >> you would need the cameras at the right place at the right time, being monitored, not just by people but by trained people who know what they're looking for, who would be able to see suspicious activity and get public safety there in time to stop it. >> realtime surveillance is what can make a difference. >> and that's very doable from a technology standpoint. >> in fact, in central london, as part of a demonstration, authorities track and trace my every move through the crowded streets. a policing tool to look for suspicious behavior or packages. that just didn't happen here in boston. there was no realtime
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surveillance. a criminal complaint filed in the case does show that a camera from this restaurant picked up dzhokhar tsarnaev, the younger brother, standing right here for about four minutes. pretty casually, he drops his n napsack and walks away. moments after, the second bomb went off. there is no guarantee, though, that even realtime spy camera will prevent the next terror attack. and some warn that's why they may be effective in some settings but they can't outweigh the risk it poses to privacy and freedom. and we need to put in place some reasonable checks and balances to insure that the police are focused on people that they have suspicion of wrong doing against, right, not all of us. >> still, investigators were left to rely on private security cameras and the public's help in order to identify the suspects. even though a realtime portrait of the attack was just waiting to be discovered. paula newton, cnn, boston.
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>> all right, paula. it remains the worst drunken driving crash in u.s. history. a new film lays out how it all happened and how 27 people lost their lives that night all because of one man's bad decision. we're talking to a survivor of the deadly crash, next. humans. we are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. that's why liberty mutual insurance has your back,
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it's the worst drunken driving crash in the history of the u.s. in 1988, a man got into his truck, very drunk, and crossed over the median on i-70 in kentucky. to this day, he doesn't even remember the crash. 27 people died. some of the survivors and families of the victims have now filmed a documentary, and earlier, some of them spoke with me about their film. so harold, you were in this bus filled with your friends, coming back from a great day at the park. next to you is your best friend, andy. you're sleeping on the bus after this perfect day. what was the first thing that told you something is wrong? was it a sound, was it a smell? what was the moment where everything changed? >> well, don, i was asleep at the time of the collision. and, you know, being on a bus, the only way you could attempt
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to sleep comfortably was to put your head down in your lap. >> instantly, there was like a loud crash or a boom. i hit the seat in front of me. and i remember thinking, what in the world just happened? the front of the bus was engulfed in flames, so there was only really one way to exit, get out of the bus, and that was the rear exit. and i attempted to get out of a window. and was unsuccessful with that. at that point, i was really left with one choice. that was to really fight my way back to the rear of this bus. and that's what i attempted to do. >> yeah, you know, it's -- the human body is amazing because many times when something happens, you don't feel the pain right away. you might feel an initial sting, knrout don't know the severity of it. when did you find out about your burns and just how severe you were burned? >> not only do you deal with the
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physical injury itself, you deal with the fact that you're disfigured wherever you're burned so you deal with the social aspect of that. you face society looking different now. >> we talk about when you say fatalities. it's lives, right, because that includes your friends. i wanted to talk about your friend, andy marks. >> i was sitting next to andy. and he actually invited me to go on this trip, so i actually would have never found out about the trip if it weren't for andy. but you know, i dealt with a lot of survivor guilt. you know, it hauntded me for years that i'm sitting right next to my best freiend and was not able to save him. but as i mentioned earlier, when you're 31st into a situation like that, you're not thinking logically, you just try to save your life. i have had to try to deal with this over the past 25 years. >> stand by because i want to bring in carol, not only on the phone now, caroline, you lost
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your lovely daughter patty in the crash. by everything we hear, a brilliant little gill. >> when i walked into my home, my dad was sitting there. when i looked at his face, i knew something horrible had happened. and my father-in-law stood up and said there's been an accident. and i thought immediately, being a military wife, i thought it had to be jim. and in the next word he said, patty. >> after this tragedy which was due to drinking and driving, you got directly involved in campaigns to fight drinking and driving. tell me about that. >> drunk driving is not taken as serious a crime as it is, even to this day. the bottom line is that people are still killed and injured every single day. every single day, 27 people, the total number of those killed in the kentucky crash, die on our roadways and thousands are
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injured by those who make the wrong choice to drink and drive. this is serious. you know, when something happens, for example, when the school shootings occurred, you know, the nation just was in an upheaval. that happened every day in our country because someone makes the wrong choice to drink and drive. >> do you ever think about the driver of the truck? >> i do. yeah, i do. i think about the driver. you know, not as frequently as i used to. i get the question often, do i hate him? do i hate him? and the answer today is no. you know, i really don't have the time or energy to put thought into him, quite honestly. if you asked me 20 years ago, i probably would have had a different answer. >> i'm going to ask you same question. can you forgive the driver, have you forgiven him? do you have to in order to go on? >> i forgave this driver 25 years ago.
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i realized that if i held malice toward him and did not forgive him, he would kill me just like cancer would. and i was not going to let this man control my life. i forgave him. i let him go ahead with his life, and i went ahead with mine. and i just really never had a second thought about him. >> harold and carolyn, thank you both, and look for their film later this year. ♪
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harry mania hits colorado. the british royal meeting athletes and kicking off the warrior games. he also made a big announcement. he's taking the wounded warrior avent across the pond. here's cnn's max foster. >> prince harry really having a ball during the warrior games. it was always going to be his most important event. that's largely why he came here to the united states. he announced today he wants to take this event for wounded veteran s international. he wants to host a version in london and bring in teams from all over the world. and he's loving watching the cyclists, the disabled cyclists in many cases come into the finish line. and he's about to award them some medals. earlier on, he was playing american football. he's a big rugby fan, but not a great american football fan. and one of the balls actually ended up in the media pen and knocked a photographer. many people saying not entirely by accident. he's not always a fan of the media, of course, but certainly he's enjoyed this part of the
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tour. he's smiling again. the next leg of the tour will be new york, where he'll be involved in a fund-raiser. he's going to go to new jersey and see an area affected by hurricane sandy. and governor christie is going to show him around that area. and i'm told by someone close to him on this tour that governor christie is very grateful that prince harry is going to bring this subject back to the news agenda. we're also going to have fun again as he played baseball. i'm told he's been practicing his pitching. we'll see how good he is. >> all right, max, thank you. we're used to hearing athletes trash talk each other, but golfers? and from this guy? that's next.
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it qualifies as trash talking in the normally sedate
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golf world. tiger and sergio garcia started today's round with the revival of hard feelingings. so tiger and sergio were paired together yesterday and started trading words about what caused sergio to hit a bad shot. >> you have a feel when the other guy is going to hit. right as i was on top of the back swing, we pulled a five wood or a three wood out. >> i was told he already hit. i pulled the club and was getting ready to hear my shot. i hear his comments after and i'm not real surprised he's complaining about something. >> the bottom line, don, he is
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not only a whiner, he is a serial whiner. and he is also a liar. it he was only approaching the ball when it occurred. tiger reached into his bag. he only reached into his bag when the marshal on the course said tiger go ahead and hit. >> sergio really never lived up to the hype from when he was a teenager, he was suppose todd be the next tiger, is that part of the frustration. >> you know how many majors he has won? zero. and they hate each other. they literally hate each other. sernl owe admitted it on the golf channel yesterday.
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tiger uses it to his advantage. they have been paired together 20 times and sergio has only won three times. >> hate is such a strong word. >> but it's true when it comes to these two. they will not be exchanging christmas cards or anything else. >> the manager of manchester united soccer club coached his last game today. why is it such a big deal? >> it's soccer to me. not football. it's a big deal, they're the new york yankees of professional soccer. i'll tell you the biggest story here is the guy that will follow him. it reminds me of the old al mcguire line, "the person who follows a dictator is always assassinated." >> that's strong words.
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>> yes, that's what al mcguire said years ago. >> not football. >> always soccer. >> he said it, i didn't. >> it's mothers day, and i want to talk about kobe bryant and his prom. they're in a legal battle over the auction of his high school jerseys and other memorabilia. is this the way for any celebrity to celebrate mother's day? >> if i were in charge of professional athletes. there's three wars you stay away from. never go to war with the media, with the fans, and with your mother in public, particularly near mother's day. and it gets worse. the maternal grandmother is involved in this too. the grandmother overheard kobe's wife telling kobe's mother it was okay to sell kobe's stuff.
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you know who comes out looking good is kobe's father. why? >> he kept his mouth shut. >> he didn't say one word. >> my mom says i brought you in this world and i'll take you out. thank you. a special mother's day message by the way, next. hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo. hoo-hoo hoo. sir... i'll get it together i promise...
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happy mother's day. a couple more for our military heros. >> hello, i'm giving a shoutout to myson mikey. >> i'm staph sergeant young, in afghanistan. i would like to say happy mother's day to my mommy in birmingham, alabama. >> i'm sergeant ray lewis, i would like to give a shoutout to my mother, sheryl, in ocean side, california. happy mother's day and i'll see you soon! the top of the hour, new information this hour about a shooting in new orleans to tell you about. police now say 17 people were wounded earlier today when shots rang out during a mother's day parade. but their injuries are not life